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The Kavli Prize 2012: Astrophysics, Nanoscience and Neuroscience

Winners of the prestigious $1 million Kavli Prizes were announced May 31, 2012 live via satellite from the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters in Oslo. On-site opening remarks by John Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, followed by ABC News’ chief health and medical editor Richard Besser and leading researchers exploring the next wave of opportunities in the Kavli prize areas: astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience.

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The Kavli Prize 2012: Astrophysics, Nanoscience and Neuroscience

Winners of the prestigious $1 million Kavli Prizes were announced May 31, 2012 live via satellite from the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters in Oslo. On-site opening remarks by John Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, followed by ABC News’ chief health and medical editor Richard Besser and leading researchers exploring the next wave of opportunities in the Kavli prize areas: astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience.

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Richard BesserPhysician, Journalist

Richard Besser is ABC News’ chief health and medical editor. In this role, he provides medical analysis and commentary for all ABC News broadcasts and platforms, including World News with David Muir, Good Morning America, and Nightline.

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Claire MaxAstrophysicist

Claire Max studies adaptive optics, a technology that can remove the blurring effects of the earth’s atmosphere and let telescopes on the ground “see” as clearly as if they were in space.

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Angela BelcherMaterials Scientist, Biological Engineer

Angela Belcher is the W. M. Keck Professor of Energy at MIT. She combines chemistry, molecular biology and electrical engineering to understand how living things make molecular-scale materials and incorporate their tricks into new organic-inorganic hybrid technologies.

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Thomas JessellNeuroscientist, Biochemist

Thomas Jessell has made fundamental contributions to neuroscience by revealing the basic principles of how our nervous system communicates.

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John HoldrenPhysicist, Engineer

John Holdren is the director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and President Barack Obama’s senior science and technology advisor.

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