Brian Greene and Nobel Laureate Brian Schmidt engage in a wide-ranging conversation covering cosmology, the accelerating universe, and the role of science in shaping our future. This program is part …
Andrew Strominger, renowned for his work on black holes, string theory, and quantum gravity, joins Brian Greene to describe his latest results and how some of them may be testable …
Using ultrasounds, inspecting tentacles, and making protective vests for penguins is all in a day’s work for aquatic biologist Pamela Schaller Hughes. Learn how she designs aquarium exhibits for endangered …
You exist. You shouldn’t. Stars and galaxies and planets exist. They shouldn’t. The nascent universe contained equal parts matter and antimatter that should have instantly obliterated each other, turning the …
Deep in the oceans, marine biologist Marah Hardt counts coral, sea urchin, and fish and looks for patterns to understand what makes reefs sick or healthy. Create a coral reef …
In what many call a “golden age of cosmology”, astronomers can now observe the universe with unprecedented precision, resulting in spectacular progress in the search for the origin of the universe. Yet, for all the impressive progress, fundamental questions remain. What is the mysterious “dark energy” driving space to rapidly expand?